NativeScript (iOS & Android)
If you need a cross-platform development for iOS and Android using a common library; I'm the author of several popular cross-platform NativeScript Plugins including the cross platform SQLite and the Real Time Live Sync system.
I am also a co-founder of and before I exited, I worked with several dozen clients on building, optimizing and debugging their applications.Turn-It-Off (Android)
This was the first third party app to fully support the IR (Infra-Red) on Android 4.x, and was totally developed without using any of the official api's. Now there are 100's of IR apps after Google released its IR api. This app also has a optional fully animated widget, which is supposed to be impossible to do. This application was completely done in Java and has since been discontinued.Tired of the constant televisions running all the time around you? Or do you just want to have a little fun with your friends? Turn off the big sports game, flip it off in the middle of the video game. The fun you can have with your friends are endless!
At the click of a button the application or widget will run through 100's of different TV "off" infrared codes which will turn off almost every TV in range of your phone. It can run through the entire North American / Asia codes in a minute.
This acts like a TV-B-Gone type device for your Samsung Galaxy S4, S5, Note 3, Note 4, Note 10.1, or the Samsung Tab 2 devices. The Samsung device must have a built in IR port for this to work.
Note: If your device has "Power Savings mode" turned on, the IR port may not work (i.e. saving power), until Samsung release a fix. So to use this you might have to turn off the "Power Savings mode" in Settings->My Device.
Due to non-disclosure agreements & exclusive contracts we can only show you a partial list of Android & iOS Apps that we have developed.